Welcome to Hattiesburg!!!

We have been in Hattiesburg for over a week now, and loving it! We had to battle the insurance company for about a week to get back to Forrest General. They don’t believe in transferring to a “lower level of care”. FGH is a level 3 nicu and UMC is a level 4. He wasn’t receiving level 4 care anymore but they still didn’t want to transfer. After Kyle and I called and pleaded with everyone we could and everybody’s prayers back home we got the green light for transfer. Which is a total God thing, we heard from several people “this never happens”. They said they could tell how family centered we were and wanted to get us closer to home and closer to our support system, sounded good to us!


So ayden got to turn 5 weeks old here in Hattiesburg and we are hitting milestones like crazy; 5lbs and gaining steadily, maintaining his own body temp, and all bottles-with no tube feeds! We are tube free!!! The only thing keeping us in the hospital is bradycardia. Long story short, he stops breathing a little and his heart rate drops! Scary to say the least. Every time  he has a Brady episode -not the show from the 70’s, our 7 day count down starts over. As of today (March 9)the last episode was Sunday morning. So we are looking at going home next week sometime, hopefully!


Thank you all for praying our baby back to health and to Hattiesburg, now we need to pray this baby to our new home-yes we moved during all of this, when it rains it pours! We know God answers prayers, Ayden is proof of that. So we are asking all of you to continue to pray for us to get his heart healthy and continued progress on bottle feedings, so we can get this baby home!


Love you all,

The Caminitas.

Welcome to Hattiesburg!!!

2 thoughts on “Welcome to Hattiesburg!!!

  1. Leslie Farmer says:

    Praying Lord, your will for this sweet young family!! Strengthen Ayden’s lungs & respiratory system & bring him home!!! Amen!!


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